Uncle Buck AHEPA
Well, hi! My name is Uncle Buck AHEPA. I’m a lovely lean chocolate Labrador Retriever with hazel
colored eyes.
I’ve been at K9s for a few weeks now, and I’m starting to catch onto my skills well! I excel at walking in a heel!
At first it was tricky but my handler, Hannah, showed me the ropes. I haven’t made any doggie friends yet, but I
hope to soon. Today I went to a coffee shop nearby and I focused on Hannah and walked with her well in the
parking lot, but when we got closer to the patio area I started to get really distracted. We decided to settle
down at a few different benches so I could get the lay of the land. I got pretty bored with that though, so I
started looking for something else to do! Hannah and I agree that I should stay on campus for a while and
practice more settling and impulse control before we go out again. I can’t wait to see where I get to go next!
Talk soon! 02/2023
John Sempeles
John Sempeles was born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a city he held great affection for all of his life.
He was the type of guy who became friends with almost everyone he met. Once John became your friend, he remained your friend forever.
Many people got to know John during his days playing bass guitar in popular local bands during his late high school and young adult years.
He forged many friendships during his college years, as well. Even during the short time he was a substitute teacher in the Harrisburg School District, he made friendships that lasted through his life.
John's personality and natural skill for putting people at ease led him to a long career in marketing. His co-workers and clients quickly became friends and those relationships lasted for decades.
The nickname "Buck" stemmed from John dressing up as the character of "Uncle Buck" for Halloween one year.
"Uncle Buck" was a movie about a lovable, slightly misguided guy played by the late actor John Candy.
The lovable aspect of the Uncle Buck character definitely described John. His portrayal was quite memorable.
John passed away in November of 2019, at age 69, following a 10-month battle with leukemia.
His many friends and family miss him every single day, especially his wife Susan, son Christopher, and daughter Ellie.
Having a service dog named Buck in John's memory is a tremendous honor.
Uncle Buck (John Candy)
AHEPA District #4 embarked on the mission of securing the 3rd consecutive service dog this year of '2020 and Dr. Michael Billys from Chapter #64
suggested that we honor the memory of recently departed brother John Sempeles who contributed recently to the highly successful fundraising efforts of Chapter #64. Brother Sempeles also
was instrumental in the philanthropic and charitable efforts to disburse these monies to the less fortunate in our surrounding communities of the greater Harrisburg area in Pennsylvania.
Chapter #64 raised $6,000 of the $15,000 required and is very proud of their significant contribution.
UNCLE BUCK is a movie starring John Candy that brother John most resembled by his demeanor as a compassionate heart-filled 'Champion of the Poor'.
John even dressed up one Halloween as 'Uncle Buck' and from that time on was affectionately called 'Uncle Buck' by his close friends.
This movie was iconic in nature as it depicts a character who is both warm and compassionate with an ever-caring soul that describes our beloved hero brother John.
It was produced in 1989 as 'Uncle Buck' depicts a 'fun-loving' person whose care-free style embarks on a mission of love for his niece and nephew in the film.
Brother John loved our references to him as 'Uncle Buck' and reveled in this characterization. We will forever cherish the memory of John Sempeles.
AHEPA Service Dogs for Warriors
Chapter #64: Haralambos Arahovas,
Dr. Michael C. Billys,
David Bobb,
Sam Boutselis,
LTC Vasileios Bouzidis,
Hon. John F. Cherry,
Dr. Zissis Chroneos,
Theodore Giovanis,
Bernadette Hart,
William Kaldes,
Gus Kokos,
Cleon Kordistos,
Nick Mallos II,
Constantine Mantis,
Charles Mackenzie,
Christ Megoulas,
John Mesogitis,
Gregory Nielsen,
Pete Paturzo,
Brian Petrides,
Susan-Chris & Ellie Sempeles,
Constantine Sgagias,
Eric Solomon,
James G. Stamos,
Gregory Touloumes,
Hao Troung,
Dimitri Zozos,
Hon. George Zozos
AHEPA District #4 Chapters and brothers : Harrisburg Chapter #64 ($6,000),Allentown Chapter #60 ($4,100), Beaver Valley #400 ($1,200), District #4 ($1,000),
Valley Forge #432 ($650), Chester-Delco Chapter #79 ($650), Chester County #484 ($500), and Reading Chapter #61 ($120).