AHEPA District 9 Sponsors

Nick Kallan PDG, attending the graduation at K9s.

Hi how are y’all, it’s me Delphi back with another wonderful update from Camp K9!! I have had so much fun these past few weeks building my confidence with my trainer. We have started to go to more places. We started from low intensity exposures to more moderate exposures. I have been progressing smoothly as my wonderful trainer helps me get better. What is really helping me is when things get a little frightening my trainer will pump up the energy and we start to play around either with a toy or just with each other, which helps me get back into my work mode. I am really starting to get the hang of things and slowly seeing that the world is not as bad as I thought it would be. I know I still have a lot of work to do but I am excited to continue this journey with my trainer. I cannot wait to update you all again soon! Talk to you later! 06/09/2023

Delphi AHEPA
Hey guys, Delphi here with my pupdate
! First things first, I moved to this new place called Ponte Vedra, FL. It’s
really cool, and I have this new trainer, T.J. He’s been showing me around Camp K9! We have been bonding and
just kinda chillin’ out and getting' to know each other. The coolest t hing, two of my friends from Arizona are
here too, and T.J. made sure we got to get in the yards together today! It was so refreshing getting to see
familiar friends in this new place. My training and skills with T.J. are doin’ well, I still feel a little nervous in a new
place but I am doing so much better now that it has been a few weeks and everyone is so welcoming!
Last week T.J. took me to the beach; man, I loved it there. Laying in the sand, strolling along the beach, all the
smells and sounds, it’s awesome! I could spend the whole day there! We also went to the mall and visited some
restaurants. I took an elevator ride which was reeeally cool. Have you ever been in an elevator before? You just
float to a different place, it’s so cool! We also went to this place called a food court which was very neat, I
relaxed and took a nap while T.J. had a bite to eat. As far as my skills go, I have learned cues such as side, stand,
and look, which will help my Warrior while in public. “Look” tells me to sit at my Warrior’s opposite side and
watch their back. “Stand” is a great cue to help my Warrior feel comfortable, where I stand in front of them to
create a buffer between them and the rest of the world. “Side” is a helpful cue which tells me to sit at my
Warrior’ s left side. Then I relax, allowing them to carry on without any stress from me. That’s about it for this
week, wishing y’all the best! Wags and kisses,
Delphi 02/2023
AHEPA District 9 consist of 7 chapters in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont ( Portland ME Chapter # 82;Saco ME, Chapter #252; Dover NH, Chapter # 44; Nashua, NH Chapter #35 ; Portsmouth, NH Chapter #215; South Burlington, VT, Chapter # 244 ) who together are sponsoring Delphi Ahepa. The name has linkage to our Hellenic ideals that also stands for Wisdom and Life. Delphi is named after the Oracle of Delphi, which was also the temple of the ancient God, Apollo, who was the God of Wisdom. The word Delphi also has the meaning of "Female Womb", or Life, bringing our veterans back to normal Life.