PRIVATE GEORGE K AHEPA, sponsored by AMERICAN LEGION #324 BOSTON, MA, is a black Labrador. His training has begun at MCI Shirley Facility. 10/2021

Private George K. AHEPA, September 2021


George K. Menichios was born in Megalopolis, Arcadia, Greece
on April 14, 1890. In 1910 he came to Boston, Massachusetts and like all immigrants, dreamed of the great opportunities his
new country presented him. George embraced the concept of liberty and the ideals of freedom that make up the United States
of America. He lived at 210 Hanover Street, in Boston's oldest
neighborhood, known as the North End.
Just one year following the entry of the United States into World War 1 , George was
inducted into the U.S. Army on May 27, 1918. He was one month into his 2ath year.
Disembarking in France, Private Menichios a member of the 1st
Division, entered the line on October 21, 1917 at Saint Mihiel
and then to the Meuse-Argonne sector from September 26, 1918 until he WAS KILLED IN ACTION October 4, 1918,
thirtyeven days before the war ended on November 11, 1918. His total military career lasted less than five months.
Private George K. Menichios; Company H, 26th Infantry Division, First Division - United States Army,
lies buried at the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne (Meuse), France, grave number #35-A-9, along with 14,246 other American servicemen.
He was cited for gallantry in action and special meritorious service. The George K. Menichios Square at the comer of Arlington and Boylston Streets, Boston, Massachusetts is dedicated in his name.
"Poor is a nation that has no heroes, but poorer still is the nation that having heroes, fails to remember and honor them."
Marcus Tullius Cicero