Irene Caffrey, member of Holmdel First Aid Squad,
daughter of Patrick, sponsored Dog in honor of her Dad
Patrick Ahepa

Patrick AHEPA here coming in hot with a sponsor update!! These last few weeks have been full of learning! I got to go to some more parks and work my intermediate skills. I saw ducks and children playing and was able to use my impulse control to stay calm and pass by all of it without getting distracted from my handler! I also went to IKEA and walked the whole store! It felt like a maze, my handler got lost a few times trying to figure her way out of the store. I followed her wherever even if we ended up in a dead end. I'm starting to really understand settling and relaxing. When my handler is working on the computer, I get to lay on a place bed and relax next to her and if I don’t try to leave my bed, I get a Bull horn to chew on AND I get pets and extra treats for focusing on her. My handler tells me I’m a good boy and that she can see how hard I am trying to be the bestest boy! Oh also, I got to go to the beach on Friday. It was a little too much for me. Lots of noises and things to look at, it was really hard for me to focus on my trainer, but I tried REALLY hard. I've been working on my service cues and the cues needed when my handler is sitting in her chair. I love when I get to do “my lap.” That’s when I get to put my front legs on my handler’s lap and give her some loving! Sometimes I sneak in licks and kisses which she isn't a big fan of, but I'm such a big lover. I also attempted my advances skills test today; I was more interested in bothering my handler and getting reinforcements rather than doing the cues. I tried really hard but my puppy energy was really showing today. Sometimes it's hard to just settle and stay in one spot as there is so much to look at!!! My handler said she is very proud of me for trying as hard as I do. I do put a great effort in and always try to do what my handler asks. Anyway, time to go play some fetch and work on my recall and drop it!! I hope you guys have a wonderful week! Woof woof Patrick 10/2022

Patrick AHEPA here checking in with another update! I am the cute blonde walking with my trainer! These last few weeks I’ve really been putting the work in on my skills!
I've been doing a lot of impulse control where I get to make the decision to stay in my position and not go to try to play with treats or balls or humans. This week we worked on me staying down on a place bed with my brother Cody on another place bed and our trainer walked around us, sat next to us, played with a toy in front of us and talked to us in my favorite voice of hers.
I knew I wasn’t supposed to leave the bed. I did it once or twice but when she repositioned me, I started to understand that I shouldn’t move my position. Once I stayed on my bed while she did weird things, I got a jackpot of treats! It's wonderful to do the right thing and get lots of treats!! I also really like working with my brother!
Thanks for checking in! Time to go out into public and train!! Woof Woof! 10/2022
Hey there! WOW! My FIRST sponsor update!! I’ll start off by saying WOOF and hello!My name is Patrick AHEPA, but everyone calls me Patrick for short, and I’ve been at Camp K9 for a few weeks now.
IT IS SUCH A FUN PLACE!! I’ve met so many other dogs, and people! I’m learning so much, and it’s really exciting! Sometimes I can’t control my excitement and just want to jump around and play!
One of my favorite things that I’ve done so far is going off campus to go to different places. I’ve been to clothing stores and sport stores – those are fun! I once saw a tall lady human pushing a little human in a weird box thing with wheels on it. It made me a little nervous, but I worked through it! Nothing can scare Patrick; I like to think I’m a brave boy. I like to learn and play, I LOVE LOVE LOOOOVVVEEEEEE treats.
My handler says I’m a piranha sometimes, but I just get so EXCITED to be doing the right thing and I KNOW that treat is coming to me. They always do! Anyway, thanks for checking in!
I’ve got to get back out there to go play with my tennis ball and to learn more about these “cues” my handler keeps talking to me about! Woof Woof – Patrick AHEPA 09/2022

He arrived in Vietnam March 6 1967 and left March 7 1968.
He was with the 1st Signal Brigade and attached to the 28 Rok, Korean Marines. He took part in tet 68, he spent 9 months at a radio relay site on Vung Ro mountain.
The Korean Marines were out security. After nine months he was taken off the mountain and treated for an anxiety disorder. He was assigned to the 261st signal co. a Phu Hip.
After leaving Vietnam he went to Germany assigned to the 52 Artillery. Spent 18 months in Germany. He spent a total of 3 years 19 days in the U.S. Army. He Joined at 18 years old he was Honorably discharged .