AHEPA Chapter #24 & Daughters of Penelope Chapter #130, Boston, MA

Hey there! Something about this weather and this time of year with Valentine’s Day coming up makes me
feel all lovey and cuddly. My trainer must know I’m in a loving mood because this week she taught me “my
lap.” This is a cue that allows me to prop onto h er lap and get loved on. One day it will be used to help my
Warrior feel calm and grounded. I really enjoy the opportunity to cuddle while we’re training. Who knew I
could be such a softy? My trainer took me on a movie date and I did pretty darn good! I di d get a bit
startled at the end when I remembered there were other people in there with us, sometimes you forget
that when your trainer makes you feel like you two the only people on Earth. Anyway, I gotta keep
working and being the most charming Service Dog in town. Talk soon! 02/2023